Welcome to The Contreras Report: A Hispanic View of the USA,
Mexico will pay for Wall...President Trump will impose a toll for anyone driving a car or truck entering the U.S. from Mexico...Trump: Boycott American company Goodyear...Private employee 1st Amendment rights...Trump praises conspiracy nuts QAnon...QAnon = Domestic terrorists...Former Trump campaign CEO and Presidential advisor Steve Bannon arrested for defrauding Trump-supporting donors...Kamala Harris joins Biden campaign as VP candidate... support by African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos jumps substantially with Harris on ticket...Mitt Romney haters...What has President Trump done for Hispanics and Blacks?
The host is Raoul Lowery-Contreras.
Hi this is Raoul Lowery-Contreras, In this episode, you will hear about the following topics: Tucker Carlson Trump wants to sell Puerto Rico Lopez...
Atlanta police shooting...Undocumented workers take jobs Americans don't want...Michael Flynn to prison...U.S. Marines followed by Navy and Army in ditching Confederate flags...66% of Americans...
Aircraft Carriers USS Reagan and Nimitz run circles around Chinese Communists...Vladimir Putin Russian Jokester-for-life...Russians pay Taliban to kill Americans, Trump calls news a HOAX...Jokester...