U.S. Supreme Court...Amy Coney Barrett...Presidential polls September 23 -26 in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Nevada, Iowa, Florida...Customs Border Protection...Minor Mexican child allowed to be operated on then arrested for illegal entry into the U.S...Enrique Camarena... Donald Trump refuses to promise "peaceful transition" of government...Press Secretary Kaleigh McEnany says Trump will recognize a "fair" election...Ballots...Chris Wallace... the U.S. Senator Mitt Romney...Armstrong Williams.
The host is Raoul Lowery-Contreras.
111 MILLION HISPANIC AMERICANS, What? Hispanic high school drop outs practically disappear. TAXPAYER MONEY SUCKED up by BILLIONAIRES? LIFELONG REPUBLICAN Megan McCain voting for?...
Race riots in America (1-10), President Donald J. Trump, Revolt of the Generals, Lt. General Jame Mattis, Lt. Gen. John Kelly, Admiral Mike Mullin,...
Aircraft Carriers USS Reagan and Nimitz run circles around Chinese Communists...Vladimir Putin Russian Jokester-for-life...Russians pay Taliban to kill Americans, Trump calls news a HOAX...Jokester...