Race riots in America (1-10), President Donald J. Trump, Revolt of the Generals, Lt. General Jame Mattis, Lt. Gen. John Kelly, Admiral Mike Mullin, Attorney General Barr, Press Secretary Kaleigh McEnany, Lafayette Square, tear gas, Armenian protests, D-Day, the Sixth of June, Germany, Rep. Liz Cheney, Senators Chuck Grassley, Sen. John Cornyn, Rep. Steve King defeated, former Rep. Tom Tancredo, Rep. Darrell Issa, 18,000 police departments in the USA, American troops in South Central L.A., National Guard, Mexican President Felipe Calderon, Def. Secretary Esper contradicts President Trump, Pat Buchanan, David Limbaugh, American women dump President Trump by 19 points, Trump support drops among White Evangelicals, White Catholics elected Trump in 2016, are dumping him now...During protests outside White House, Secret Service hides the Trump family in White House underground bunker.
The host is Raoul Lowery-Contreras.
Welcome to The Contreras Report: A Hispanic View of the USA, Armenians...ANCA...Russia smuggling weapons...Violence in Los Angeles...Azerbaijan...Syria...Turkey...John Kerry...Assassinations in Los Angeles...Armenian criminal gangs in...
Atlanta police shooting...Undocumented workers take jobs Americans don't want...Michael Flynn to prison...U.S. Marines followed by Navy and Army in ditching Confederate flags...66% of Americans...
Welcome! In this episode: President Donald J. Trump...Fox's Chris Wallace...Census Bureau ordered to not count illegally present people...Mexican President Lopez Obrador ducks...China builds Marine...