Aircraft Carriers USS Reagan and Nimitz run circles around Chinese Communists...Vladimir Putin Russian Jokester-for-life...Russians pay Taliban to kill Americans, Trump calls news a HOAX...Jokester Kaepernick calls the 4th of July a celebration of "White Supremacy"...Senate Leader Mitch McConnell supports renaming Army bases from traitors to heroes...Trump supports treason and race hatred...U.S. Marines morphing from "First to fight" to kill Chinese...Supreme Court kills mobile robocalls...Vanessa Guillen is murdered on Army base...
The host is Raoul Lowery-Contreras.
American Birth Rates sets record lows...Disaster in the making...The Big Lie that immigrants keep Americans from working...Anti-mail-in ballot fanatics haven't read the Constitution...President Trump...
Armenia, Adolf Hitler, Nazis, Azerbaijan, Washington D.C. riots, protests of the death of George Floyd, Armenian archbishop, riots in La Mesa, CA, President Donald...
Welcome to The Contreras Report: A Hispanic View of the USA, Mexico will pay for Wall...President Trump will impose a toll for anyone driving...